Presentan hoy proyecto de candidatura para el Comité
Autor: Laura Mercedes Giráldez | 18 de abril de 2021 12:04:53
Este Congreso será recordado como el cónclave donde
la generación histórica que fundó y ha guiado los pasos de la organización concluyó
el traspaso de las principales responsabilidades partidistas a las nuevas generaciones
de militantes comunistas
Resolución sobre el Informe
Central al 8vo. Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba
Autor: Granma | 18 de abril de 2021 15:04:56
El Informe Central ratifica los principios que
sirven de guía a la política exterior de la Revolución Cubana, al tiempo que enfatiza
el mandato constitucional de que las relaciones económicas, diplomáticas y
políticas con cualquier otro estado no podrán jamás ser negociadas bajo agresión,
amenaza o coerción.
Resolución del 8vo. Congreso
sobre la Actualización de la Conceptualización del Modelo Económico y Social Cubano
de Desarrollo Socialista (+PDF)
Autor: Granma | 18 de abril de 2021
En correspondencia con su carácter de guía activa
y perfectible, es coherente con los fundamentos y términos incluidos en la nueva
Constitución de la República, a la vez que considera los resultados de la implementación
de los Lineamientos y de las políticas aprobadas desde el 6to. Congreso hasta la
Descargue las
Resoluciones sobre el Informe Central y las elaboradas por las Comisiones de
trabajo (+PDF)
Autor: Granma | 18 de abril de 2021 12:04:49
Las resoluciones íntegras fueron publicadas por
el sitio web del Partido Comunista de Cuba
Comisión 1: Durante el
intercambio primó una alta sensibilidad y compromiso con nuestro pueblo
Autor: Liz Conde Sánchez | 18 de abril de 2021 15:04:33
Presidida por el Primer Ministro Manuel
Marrero Cruz, entre los días 16 y 17 de abril sesionó la Comisión 1 del 8vo. Congreso
del Partido, que analizó y debatió ampliamente cuatro documentos relacionados
con el contexto económico-social del país. De acuerdo con el Premier cubano,
fueron analizadas las 362 opiniones y propuestas recogidas como parte del proceso
de preparación de los delegados a este Congreso, aceptándose incorporar 265, lo
que representa un 70,4%, de ellas 156 de contenido.
Comisión 2: La ideología
como trinchera ante la difamación y el oportunismo mediático
Autor: Yaditza del Sol González | 18 de abril de 2021 15:04:19
Un intercambio fructífero que propició 49
intervenciones y que, al decir del Segundo Secretario del Comité Central del
Partido Comunista de Cuba, José Ramón Machado Ventura, quien presidió esta
Comisión, generó importantes reflexiones en torno a las causas de los problemas
y deficiencias que afectan la organización partidista.
Los cuadros de la Revolución
son, ante todo, cuadros políticos (+Video)
Autor: Yaima Puig Meneses | 18 de abril de 2021 01:04:31
El Presidente de la República, Miguel
Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, afirmó este sábado que lo primero que tiene que distinguir
a un cuadro de la Revolución es su profunda preparación ideológica, revolucionaria,
ética y profesional. Los cuadros, en las condiciones de nuestra Revolución, son
cuadros políticos, aseveró.
El Partido somos todos
los militantes (+Video)
Autor: Yaditza del Sol González | 18 de abril de 2021 00:04:37
Con la certeza de que la construcción de una sociedad
socialista y soberana solo será irreversible si se conducen, con igual precisión
e intención transformadora, el fortalecimiento ideológico de nuestro proceso revolucionario
y el desarrollo económico, social y cultural del país, transcurrió este sábado
el debate en las comisiones del 8vo. Congreso del Partido.
Mensajes de Patria o
Muerte para el 8vo. Congreso del PCC (+Video)
Autor: Milagros Pichardo | 18 de
abril de 2021 01:04:26
Hasta el momento, más de 80 misivas confirman cómo
partidos y movimientos de casi todos los continentes honran la historia y la resistencia
de Cuba.
Proposed Central Committee
candidature presented today
This Congress will be remembered as the moment
when the historical generation, that founded and guided the party’s development,
concluded the transfer of principal responsibilities to new generations of
Communist militants
Author: Laura Mercedes Giráldez | april 18, 2021 14:04:56
This Sunday afternoon, during the 8th Congress
of the Communist Party of Cuba’s third day of sessions, in the Havana
Convention Center, the draft candidature of Central Committee members will be
Delegates will have the opportunity to study
the list of proposed candidates, which must be approved and/or amended before
being submitted to a vote, the results of which will be announced tomorrow.
Central Report Resolution
approved by Eighth Party Congress
Presided by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz and José
Ramón Machado Ventura, first and second secretaries of the Party Central Committee,
respectively, the third day of Congress sessions took place today
Author: Granma | april 18, 2021 13:04:09
Presided by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz and José
Ramón Machado Ventura, first and second secretaries of the Central Committee of
the Party, respectively, in addition to Political Bureau members Miguel
Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Republic, and Esteban Lazo Hernández, President
of the National Assembly of People's Power, the third day of Congress sessions
took place today.
The event was opened with the words of
Comandante en jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, during the Party's review assembly in
Havana, on November 23, 1996. "If our land did not have sufficient honor and
glory, conquered over such a long time, the honor and glory of having fought and
remain undefeated... against an all-powerful empire, would be enough."
The day's agenda continued with the
presentation by delegate José Amado Ricardo Guerra, Central Committee member
and Council of Ministers secretary, of the draft Resolution on the Central
Report to the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, presented by First
Secretary Army General Raúl Castro Ruz.
World Messages underscore
relevance of Cuban Communist congress
Author: Prensa Latina april 18, 2021
New messages from political organizations around
the world that highlight the leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC)
and wish its 8th Congress success, were published today by the Foreign
More than 80 messages from political and social
organizations from Africa, Europe, Latin America and Asia arrived in Cuba on the
occasion of the PCC conclave.
We, the members, are
the Party
Confident that the construction of a sovereign
socialist society will be irreversible if the ideological strengthening of our
revolutionary process, and the economic, social and cultural development of the
country, are conducted with equal precision and transformative intention,
debate at the 8th Party Congress continued in commissions, yesterday
Author: Yaditza del Sol González | april 18, 2021 08:04:44
Confident that the construction of a sovereign
socialist society will be irreversible if the ideological strengthening of our
revolutionary process, and the economic, social and cultural development of the
country, are conducted with equal precision and transformative intention, debate
at the 8th Party Congress continued in commissions, this Saturday, in the spirit
of continuity, and intent on advancing, as the order of the day, Party work to
persuade, bring together, and educate around the principles that forged the Cuban
Revolution. It is evident, as delegates stated, "We, the members, all revolutionaries,
are the Party."
On its second day of work, Commission No.3,
headed by President of the Republic and Political Bureau member Miguel Díaz-Canel
Bermúdez, focused its analysis on the
proposed General Strategy for Implementation
of the Cadre Policy, for the period 2021- 2026, a document recognized by delegates
as innovative and profound, with an important scientific foundation.
A review of economic
results and projections to continue advancing We have not been detained in the search
for solutions to current problems, nor have we given up on future projects; the
National Economic and Social Development Plan through 2030 has been prepared and
progress is being made on implementation of the Economic and Social Policy
Author: Yudy Castro Morales | Author: Liz Conde
Sánchez | april 18, 2021
Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, in April of 2010,
stated, "The economic battle constitutes today, more than ever, the
principal task and the center of cadres’ ideological work, because the
sustainability and preservation of our social system depend on it," thus defining
the changes in Cuba’s economy that would be undertaken from that point on.
Precisely these transformations and the
difficulties faced, were the focus of delegates to the 8th Congress of the Communist
Party of Cuba, in Commission No.1 chaired by Prime Minister Manuel Marrero
Cruz, on Friday.
A programmatic document
that charts the country’s course
This Saturday, delegates to the 8th Party Congress
analyzed, in their commissions, the Central Report presented by Army General
Raúl Castro on opening day
Author: Yaima Puig Meneses | april 18, 2021 15:04:23
"Courageous, critical, a guide."
This is how Political Bureau member Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, general secretary
of the Federation of Cuban Workers, described the Central Report to the 8th
Congress, presented by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz.
In his opinion, the text, in a clear and
objective manner, reiterates that the performance of the economy will continue
to be one of the Party’s fundamental missions, one which requires changes in
methods of acting and thinking, to identify untapped potential for greater
efficiency, a key aspect of workers’ responsibility to find those new ways of generating
wealth, with the efforts of all.
Our members, he added, must hold the
enterprise system accountable, ensure, as the Report states, that it is shaken.
How can the Party
better organize and direct common efforts in the construction of socialism?
During the second day of the 8th Communist
Party Congress, the Commission on Functioning and Ideological Work discussed
key issues for the future of Cuban society, in which the political organization
must play a leading role
Author: Yaditza del Sol González | Author: Gladys
Leydis Ramos López |
april 18, 2021 11:04:13
The Communist Party must serve as a pillar
supporting educational institutions at all levels, pay attention and assist them
in the tremendous task of teaching younger generations to feel the nation’s history,
to understand and honor it, to ensure not only the future of conscious Party members,
but the preservation of the principles that have been bequeathed to us by the
This was one of the most important ideas shared
by delegates to the 8th Party Congress, during the second day of debate in the
Commission addressing the organization’s Functioning and Ideological Work,
chaired by José Ramón Machado Ventura, Central Committee second secretary.
Organizaciones y partidos del mundo saludan el
8vo Congreso del Partido en Cuba/ Organizations and parties of the world greet
the 8th Congress of the Party in Cuba
Miguel Barnet habla sobre el 8vo Congreso del PCC/
Miguel Barnet talks about the 8th Congress of the PCC